The cat who has interposed herself between me and the computer and is passively-aggressively attempting to lick my face to get me to pet her notwithstanding. (I like her, too.)
My snowdrops are blooming, so spring is now Beginning. I also saw some crocus leaves peeping up this afternoon.
I got an email informing me that a library grant for which I applied last fall was approved. They're sending us $1,100 worth of free books as soon as I select which titles we want. So that was a nice little email I got to send to the district superintendent for inclusion in this week's e-newsletter to families.
It's been warm enough this week that I can spend my lunch halfhour walking on the school track instead of doing laps in the hallways. That 20 minutes of sun and speedwalking a mile makes all the difference in my mood.
I'm still trying to decide if I want to teach in the district's "summer success camp" (aka summer school but more fun). I'm torn between "I could use the money/it would disrupt my routine less" and "vacation." Leaning toward "vacation," though. After what it's taken this year to restart an entire high school library from literally an empty room, no one would grudge me disappearing for a couple months. Besides, I have a backyard hill that needs to be terraced and a basement that needs to be Dryloked.
Also, I am getting a long overdue haircut today. Relief!